VIII. Konferenca Evropske zveze za Tajvanske študije (EATS) bo od 12-14. maja 2011 v Ljubljani zato vljudno vabljeni k sodelovanju. EATS je najaktivnejši in največji akademski forum za tajvanske študije na svetu. Od ustanovitve, leta 2004, je bilo organiziranih že 7 konferenc: 2004 (London, UK), 2005 (Bochum, Germany), 2006 (Paris, France), 2007 (Stockholm, Sweden), 2008 (Prague, Czech Republic), 2009 (Madrid Spain), 2010 (Tübingen, Germany). Osmo konferenco soorganizirata EATS, Univerza v Ljubljani ter Tajvanski raziskovalni center.
Komisija EATS do 10. januarja 2011 sprejema članke z naslednjo tematiko:
– A Hundred Years of R.O.C. History: Comparative ROC history from the two sides of the straits
– The Subjectivity of Taiwan: How Taiwan became a geopolitical object in the 17th and a geopolitical subject in the 20th centuries
– Taiwan’s Democratization and Cross-Strait Relations: Development of Taiwan’s democracy after 2008 and its relation to cross-strait ties.
– Governance and Civil Society in Taiwan: How state actors negotiate relations with local communities and civil society.
– ECFA and Economic Issues: Growing closer relations between the two sides and their interpretations
– Electoral and Party Politics: Post-2008 elections and continuities/changes in Taiwan politics
– Documentary Films and Cinema Studies: Themes and techniques used by documentary filmmakers, including marginal social/ethnic groups
– Society, Environment, Industrial and Natural Risks: Management of risks in a post- or hyper-industrial society with regard to health, environmental protection, crisis prevention, disaster management, etc.
– Rewriting Taiwanese Literature: Reexamination of modernism, nativism, realism, post-modernism etc.
– Taiwanese Religious Beliefs and Practices in a Global Era: A focus on how Taiwanese religions are globalizing while practices at home undergo innovations
– Youth Culture: Cosplay, online gaming, mobile phone culture… Taiwan’s youth is changing boundaries of leisure and culture, which needs a comparative approach
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